Fabulous fibre

What do you think when you think of fibre, that all popular breakfast cereal advertised mainly at women to help with the waist line!! Fibre is so important and while it can be beneficial addition to the diet when trying to reduce weight it is also important for many other reasons such as:

  • Rids body excess hormones

  • Increase diversity in gut microbiota

  • Stabilises blood sugar balance

  • Keeps bowels regular and healthy

  • Lowers cholesterol

  • Can decrease risk of colon cancer

  • Can help with weight loss (1).

A mix of both soluble (dissolves in water and slows the rate at which we absorb glucose regulating blood sugar levels - helpful in diabetes and PCOS), and insoluble (pass through gut without being broken down adding bulk to diet promoting movement of material through digestive tract helping with constipation or irregular movements).

It can be particularly useful for fertility health if struggling with hormonal imbalances/weight issues/estrogen dominant fertility health issues/concerns properly regulating insulin or compromised digestive health.

The National Guidelines recommend 24 - 35g fibre (2) a day though wholegrains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, flaxseeds, seeds,

  • Choose whole grains such as brown rice, wholemeal or wholegrain breads over refined grains

  • Use the whole fruit with skins on fruits such as apples/pears as this is where the fibre content is found.

  • Add different seeds such as chia, pumpkin, sunflower, flaxseeds to soups, salads, yoghurt, porridge, granola

  • Include at least 5 different vegetables a day in your diet

  • Use legumes including beans, lentils as both high in fibre and protein, replace meat meals with legumes, add to curries, soups, salads

  • Consider ancient grains such as quinoa, buckwheat and millet used in salads, mains or as a side dish.

(1) Rodriguez (2019) Accessed http://www.natural-fertility-info.com. (2)Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (2015). Accessed http://assetspublishing.service.gov.uk


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