Why is nutrition important to consider when trying to conceive?

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Why is nutrition important for when trying to conceive?

Specific nutrients play an essential role in creating healthy sperm and eggs. Men and women’s hormones are also influenced by nutrients pod from the diet and can be used to help correct any imbalances potentially enhancing fertility. A balanced wholefoods diet can help provide a strong foundation for a healthy pregnancy and for ones ongoing health status. Diet is only one part of the puzzle though as external influences such as lifestyle choices, stress, exercise, environment can all affect our healthy and wellbeing.

  • Eat a variety of natural whole foods. Included a variety of vegetables, fruits, wholegrains, quality protein sources, nuts and seeds to help meet the nutritional demands of the body.

  • Eat the rainbow and increase your antioxidant intake. By aiming to include at least 5 different vegetables and 2 different fruits a day will meant the body has access to different types fo antioxidants, minerals, vitamins fibre and phytochemicals which all contribute to a healthy system. Antioxidant rich foods such as dark leafy greens red and green peppers can help decrease oxidative stress which may affect one fertility.

  • Include sources of fibre to help with daily elimination of excess hormones, toxins, regulate hormone balance and feed beneficial bacteria in the gut. Aim for 24 - 35g (RDA) a day of different foods rich in fibre such as wholegrains, legumes, pules, vegetables and fruits.

  • Healthy essential fatty acids (fats) are important to include as well as involved in hormonal production and balance. mens sperm is rich in prostaglandin which are produced from Omega 3 fatty acids ((2). Include oily fish such as sardines, mackeral, salmon at least 3 times a week, nuts and seeds daily sprinkle onto salads, porridge, yoghurt, into smoothies, or as a snack.

  • Keep well hydrated remember to drink water throughout the day aiming for at least 1.5 - 2L a day. Good hydration is important for circulation which will encourage blood flow to the uterine and pelvic area.


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